टाटा कंपनी में विश्व का सबसे तेज टैंक बनाया है

``` Tata's WhAP Combat Vehicles Get Major Order from Morocco

Tata's WhAP Combat Vehicles Get Major Order from Morocco

Morocco's government has placed an order for 150 WhAP (Wheeled Armored Platform) combat vehicles from Tata.

Interestingly, the Indian Army has opted for the American Stryker over WhAP.

This development comes as a significant boost for Tata's defense manufacturing capabilities.

It's worth noting that WhAP was initially rejected by India, but has now found a keen buyer in Morocco.

For more information on this story, try searching online.

``` यदि आप अधिक जानकारी चाहते हैं, तो आप इंटरनेट पर खोज कर सकते हैं।

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